Life Church (formerly Life Christian Fellowship) formed in 1993 to help people in central Delaware County grow lives of deep meaning. It’s the kind of life that is more than checking off boxes of things that attempt to define success and significance but always falls short. Life matters and it’s deep meaning can’t be forced, but only discovered.


We believe this life of deep meaning begins with God. He reaches out to us by sending His Son. From the moment of introduction, Jesus tells us about His loving Father and invites us to break free from our self-destructive ways and turn to His forgiveness and leadership into a life that is good, healthy, and real. We’re all about GROWING WITH GOD.


We also believe you were never intended to live this life on your own. So at Life Church, we connect with people in authentic relationships that inspire and challenge. It doesn’t just feel like family—it is family, a family that celebrates the wins with you and stands strong with you when times are tough. Yes, we’re all about CONNECTING WITH PEOPLE.


And we believe that when you discover your purpose, you can’t help but want to help others do that as well. The words of Jesus make it clear that life is best when we serve those around us. At Life Church, we’re all about SERVING WITH PURPOSE.

Core values

Every person and group, whether intentional or not, possess core values. They are the root beliefs and ideals that are held closest to the heart. They become the soil from which we grow our lives. At Life Church, these foundational principles dictate our behaviors and guide our decisions.

  • GOOD NEWS — We follow Jesus.

    Jesus came to reconcile us to God and to show us how to really live. His story changes everything—life over death, hope over despair. Jesus gives us the power we need to not just survive but thrive! So we refuse to live life independently of Him. Following Jesus is “Good News!” and that’s our top priority and the very tone of our message and methods.

  • SPIRITUAL FORMATION — We Make Disciples.

    Following Jesus is a journey of transformation. It’s a process that requires perseverance and intentionality. We help people grow in this new way of living with God as their leader and His Word as their authority throughout life.

  • COMMUNITY — We Do Life Together.

    Community is all about vibrant, authentic relationships. We grow in community through our Life Groups and Serve Teams.

  • NEXT GENERATION — We Invest in Children and Youth.

    Those who live only for the “now” waste their opportunity to outlive their timeframe. At Life Church, we constantly look to the future by investing in the next wave of leaders—our kids and our youth. We prepare them for their leadership window by instructing and mentoring them in God’s ways of transformation and wisdom. And we refuse to be afraid of change because we see God’s workings all over the lives of the next generation.

  • GO — We Serve “Beyond Our Walls.

    According to Jesus, serving is the path to greatness. When we proclaim His story, we do it best when we love and serve others. So we live to make Jesus known by serving locally, regionally and throughout the world with compassion and generosity, empowered by God’s Spirit.


we believe in...

The inspiration of the Holy Scriptures

The Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

The deity of our Lord Jesus Christ

Forgiveness of sin through the cross

Salvation by grace through faith

Healing for body, mind, and spirit

Indwelling power & guidance of the Holy Spirit

The return of Jesus Christ


Assemblies of God

Life Church is affiliated with the Assemblies of God – an international network of churches united in theology and mission. For more information about this network of churches, check out www.ag.org

life church staff

607 W. Springfield Road, Springfield PA 19064

Alternate Phone 610-328-2843 emailinfo@lcfconnect.com

  • Bob & Esther Novak—Lead Pastors

    The Novaks are the founding pastors of Life Church. Passionate, yet practical communicators, their affirming leadership has mentored many people toward an authentic, life-transforming relationship with Christ. Fans of reading, word puzzles, good worship music and great food, PB and Esther’s favorite compliment is when people say, “They’re real.”

  • Grant & Emily Novak—Youth and Worship

    Pastor Grant and Emily lead Alive Youth, our student ministries for grades 7-12. Grant also leads the Life Worship Team, which seeks to usher us into the presence of God every week as we lift up His name.  Having grown up in Springfield, Grant has a heart and vision for the future of our community and church. He and Emily strive to teach and model what it means to dig deep roots for what matters most in life.

  • Katie Hadenfeldt—Administrative Assistant

    Katie provides administrative support to our pastoral staff. She’s skilled at graphic design and has mastered the art of baking. You’ll find her at the hub of planning, communication, and events at Life Church. Originally from Nebraska, Katie loves the Philadelphia area including the Philly sports teams, but stays loyal to all things “Huskers!”