life groups

At Life Church, we desire to see our community transformed one Life Change Story at a time. A LifeGroup is the place where you have the opportunity to pursue authentic community and spiritual growth. It’s the environment that ignites the transformation process. When you join a LifeGroup, you will spend time learning about God’s amazing plan for your life, and praying together, and growing in supportive relationships. It’s all about “doing life together.” All you have to do is show up, join in, and be real.

The following Life Groups are active through the end of 2023.  For specific Life Group information and questions, please email us at or complete the form at the bottom of the page.

  • GPS (God's Positioning System)


    We use GPS on our phones often to find our way from one place to another, to get to our final destination. So, if we want to get to our final spiritual destination (eternity with God), we need to learn which route to take: ours or God's, to position us where God wants and needs us to be.

    Leaders: Valerie Clark Bolton and Mary Lou Falls

  • Financial peace university

    Mondays from March

    Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University class. The nine week class begins March 3 and is held every Monday at 7:00pm in the Life Church lobby. The cost is $59.99 per household. 

    Leaders: Brian and Meg Papa

  • Intercessory prayer


    Prayer is powerful and effective. This Life Group is to pray with other believers in our church for the ministries and specific needs that arise for individuals in and connected to our church

    Leader: Deanna Stanton

  • Love and respect


    Whether you are newly engaged or veterans at the marriage game, Love & Respect will lead you & your spouse closer to God through learning how to love & respect one another as the Bible instructs.  

    Leaders: Rob and Paula Hillborn

  • men's LIFE group


    The purpose of our group is to create a healthy environment for growth in relationships, first with Jesus and then with other brothers in Christ, and to encourage men to serve and to be present as leaders in their circle of influence. 

    Leader: Don Dibello

  • Moms in Prayer

    EVERY OTHER Friday

    Every other Friday at 9:30am moms are invited to join in prayer together, being refined and restored through fellowship with God and each other.  Childcare for young ones is available for $5, but must be requested the day before.

    Leader: Elaina Gibney

  • search light Women's bible study


    These groups are a place to connect with other women for the purpose of encouraging, challenging, and inspiring one another to become devoted followers of Jesus who love His Word, spend time in prayer and serve Him.

    Leaders: Mel Brown-Carney, Alyssa Kilgore and Cheryl Johnson.



    Studying: “You Are More Than You’ve Been Told” by Susanna Wong, this Women's Group studies God, His Word, and how to be a follower of Jesus while fellowshipping with other women. Our desire is to grow in our personal relationships with Jesus and to encourage each other with this purpose. 

    Leader: Cathi Thomas

  • YOUNG ADULTS (18-30's)


    The purpose of the Young Adult LIFE Ministry is to provide opportunities for individuals, ages 18-30, to be empowered and motivated to grow in intimate communion with God.  The group meets Wednesdays in the lobby at the church, with additional social gatherings during the year.

    Leader: David and Caylee Miller

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